

Closure is a puzzle game that I have found myself playing far too much during the last week or so.

The main idea of the game is that illumination is everything. Anything that is not illuminated you cannot see and thus it does not exist. This means that in order to walk around you need to make sure that there is a light source anywhere enabling you to see the floor. This also means that you can pass through walls and other obstacles by making sure that they are kept in the dark. Thus, in order to progress in the game, the player has to think a lot about how to place the light-bulbs and where to direct the lamps, so that the next door can be reached.

The importance of illumination is also reflected in the beutifully aesthetic artwork in the game. It is refreshing to play a game with such large amounts of darkness, making the rooms in the game feel both infinite in extent and cramped at the same time. In combination with the fittingly moodful music, it creates an eerie atmosphere throughout the game making the impression that there is an important story being told in the game. The problem is that I cannot in any way understand the meaning of it, but I still need to solve the next puzzle (and the next) in order to find closure in the end.

After the unusually well-made tutorial, three doors are presented. Behind each door lies a different world (factory, hospital, carnival), each containing 24 levels with, in general, progressively more advanced puzzles. There are, however, some puzzles that are really difficult to solve lying out of order of the general progression, but none of them were impossible to solve, even for a novice puzzle gamer like I am.

I really enjoyed playing Closure, and I recommend it to anyone who likes atmospheric games with puzzles requiring some serious thinking, and who can put up with, at times, somewhat over-arty game design choices.

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